Original Source:
Jornal de noticias Wednesday 15 October 2014 |
in Jornal
de Notícias, 15 Oct. 2014
by Marisa Rodrigues |
Translated by Joana Morais |
Redwood's team arrival at PJ
headquarters in Faro
yesterday | photo Luís Forra/Lusa |
Marisa Rodrigues
Scotland Yard (SY) wants to know whether
the samples collected in the apartment
from where Madeleine McCann disappeared
seven years ago may be subject to
further forensic tests. This is one of
the questions the English detectives
will ask to the forensic experts in a
meeting, today, at the Portuguese
National Institute of Forensic Medicine
(INML) in Coimbra.
In the meeting, scheduled for 10am, the
English police will also receive the
results of the analyses done by INML
to the material [see]
that was found during the searches and
excavations in the terrains of Praia da
Luz, last June. Like JN reported at the
time, part of the material was sent to
the INML and another part to the
Forensic Science Laboratory of the
Judiciary Police (PJ). The meeting in
Coimbra will also be attended by the
coordinator of the South Directorship of
the PJ, Luís Mota Carmo besides the
English detectives and the technicians
of the Forensic Sciences institute.
Luís Mota Carmo received yesterday in
Faro Andy Redwood's team for another
routine meeting to assess Scotland
yard's investigation progress, that was
started in 2011, four years after the
child's disappearance. In the meeting it
was also addressed the next steps the
English detectives intend to take, which
are still awaiting for the Public
Ministry's green light.
JN was able to establish the Judiciary
Police has not yet received from the
Public Ministry the fifth letter
rogatory, in which Scotland Yard
requests for at least seven people
considered of interest to the
investigation to be questioned,
including some of the four arguidos
[formal suspects], and that searches are
done to the suspects' homes.
Jornal de Notícias, 15 Oct. 2014, paper
Read as well: Maddie Case: English
Detectives are back in the Algarve |