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Goncalo Amaral denounces the McCanns and their lawyer (video)

Original Source:  SIC SAPO: 19MAY 2011
Broadcast: 19 May 2011

With thanks to Joana Morais for translation/transcript



Broadcast: 19 May 2011

Video transcript

Portimao - Recorded yesterday

Lower Third: Gonçalo Amaral sends denunciation to DIAP against the McCann couple and lawyer

VO: In his hands, Gonçalo Amaral brings a denunciation that he will send to the Department of Investigation and Penal Action of Lisbon.

Lower Third: The apprehended 7,500 copies of the book written by Gonçalo Amaral have not yet been returned

VO: The Supreme Court of Justice authorized the sale of the book he has written, 'Maddie, The Truth of the Lie', several months ago but the book copies that were seized and kept at the guardianship of the McCann couple's lawyer have not yet been returned.

Lower Third: Supreme Court of Justice authorized the sale of Gonçalo Amaral's book

Gonçalo Amaral: This is a denunciation made to DIAP, the Department of Investigation and Penal Action of Lisbon, relative to the eventual practise of a crime of destruction of objects placed in public domain. Namely, the 7,500 book copies of 'Maddie, The Truth of the Lie' of which I am the author, books that were in the possession of Kate McCann, Gerald McCann and their lawyer, Isabel Duarte. They were nominated as trustees when the books were seized, and they had them since September 2009. Decisions by the Superior Portuguese Courts annulled the injunction from which the seizure consequently emerged. Therefore, the books should have been returned.

VO: Without recording an interview, the McCanns' lawyer confirmed that she is the trustee of the book copies, and as such, she would never destroy something that was entrusted to her by the court.

Lower Third: McCann lawyer says Gonçalo Amaral's books were not destroyed

VO: Gonçalo Amaral stresses that the legal action taken by Maddie's parents brought other damages.

Lower Third: Gonçalo Amaral says that legal action taken by couple brought personal and professional losses

GA: What causes a great loss to my family, mainly to my family and to me, are the other arrests in the scope of a main legal action that is ongoing. The seizure of the authorship rights, of the documentary, for example; the destruction of a company as a guarantee [ref. 1.2 million claim made by the McCanns], I had a legal consulting company that was ruined by this couple and by their lawyer... There are various things that have, even, prevented me from exercising a professional activity.

VO: With the denunciation on its way to DIAP, Gonçalo Amaral waits now for the return of the 7,500 book copies of 'Maddie, The Truth of the Lie'


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