Daily and Sunday Express have taken the
unprecedented step of making a front-page apology to Kate
and Gerry McCann.
We did so because we
accept that a number of articles in the newspaper have
suggested that the couple caused the death of their missing
daughter Madeleine and then covered it up.
We acknowledge that there
is no evidence whatsoever to support this theory and that
Kate and Gerry are completely innocent of any involvement in
their daughter's disappearance.
We trust that the
suspicion that has clouded their lives for many months will
soon be lifted.
As an expression of its
regret, the Daily Express has now paid a very substantial
sum into the Madeleine Fund and we promise to do all in our
power to help efforts to find her.
Kate and Gerry, we are
truly sorry to have added to your distress.
We assure you that we hope
Madeleine will one day be found alive and well and will be
restored to her loving family.
* Please note that,
for legal reasons, we have disabled reader comments on this